hình thử nghiệm một phong cách ứng dụng lớp CSS với các góc được làm tròn theo quan điểm sống. CSS Styles bảng điều khiển hiển thị hầu hết các thuộc tính CSS cho các góc được làm dụng phong cách Class cho nhiều đối tượng được chọn như bạn muốn. | 164 Setting Up Web 6v Documents and Artboards Designing for Multiple Environments Illustrator allows you to create a multi-artboard workspace ideal for exporting artwork to many environments. For example you might use one artboard for a print publication masthead another for the same artwork resized for the Web and yet another for a poster. Here we ll focus on preparing artwork specifically for output to the Web but we ll note in passing how this fits into designing for multiple media. Web Color Raster Effects and Units Normally illustrations destined for digital including Web output are created using RGB color mode. RGB mode corresponds to how monitors generate colors by mixing adding percentages of red green and blue. continued on next page It is a multienvironment world and Illustrator CS5 accommodates this by allowing you to choose a display environment when you create a new document. When the welcome screen appears for Illustrator CS5 or when you choose File New you have the choice of creating a document for seven different profiles. Five of these seven profiles are for digital potentially Web output. Let s quickly survey them Web comes with three somewhat outdated size presets color mode measurement pixel units of measurement and raster effect resolutions ideal for Web images. It s a good starting point for any project destined for the Web. Mobile and Devices offers nine preset sizes for mobile device screens and like the Web profile appropriate color and other settings for digital output. Video and Film provides preset sizes and other appropriate settings for various digital video environments. Basic RGB doesn t offer additional options beyond the Web profile. Basic RGB and Flash Catalyst profiles don t offer additional options beyond the Web profile. CHAPTER TEN Creating Artwork for the Web in Illustrator CS5 165 In short when in doubt when you re creating artwork for the Web the Web profile is a good place to start Figure 60a . If you know the size of the