một lần nữa theo cùng một cách nhưng nhập 25% trong lĩnh vực Rộng. Cuối cùng, tạo ra cách chân cùng bạn tạo ra các tiêu đề trong các bước 5-7 (tên phong cách này footer). Bí quyết là để chú ý đến nơi mà con trỏ của bạn là khi bạn tạo ra các mã CSS và chèn divs cho cuối trang, con trỏ nên được bên trong div container chính (Hình 12F). | 77 26 Inserting Form Fields Form fields are used within a form to collect data. The main most widely used field types are text boxes drop-down menus sets of radio option buttons and check boxes. Text fields are used to collect all kinds of information in a form. Email addresses phone numbers purchase prices zip codes names and a wide variety of other data can be entered into text fields. Text fields collect a single line of text. Text areas can collect multiple lines of text. Text areas are used to collect comments descriptions like descriptions of problems for online service forms guestbook entries and other text that requires more than one line. To place a text field or a text area in a form follow these steps 1. With your cursor inside an existing form choose Insert Form Text Field or Insert Form Text Area. 2. After you place the text field you can define the field attributes in the Properties inspector Figure 26a . In the TextField field enter a name that will help you remember the content of the field. In the Char width field enter the number of characters that will display on a single line in a browser as a visitor enters data. Figure 26a Defining a one-line text field. 3. In the Max chars field you can enter the maximum number of characters that can be entered into the field. 4. In the Init val field enter text that will appear in the field in a browser before any user interaction. Sometimes but not always form designers will include text like your email goes here in a field. Visitors then replace that content with their own entry. 5. In the Type options choose Single line for a text field and Multiline for a text area. If you choose Multiline the Num Lines field appears in the Properties inspector. Enter the number of lines that will display in the continued on next page How Many Characters Are Too Many for a Form Field Some thought needs to go into how many characters you elect to allow in a comment field. My friendly HMO for instance allows for something
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