tailieunhanh - bbc wildlife magazine 2011 phần 6

Tốt nhất tạp chí của Anh Tạp chí động vật hoang dã BBC động vật hoang dã là một kỷ niệm của thế giới tự nhiên, tính năng tất cả các khám phá mới nhất, tin tức và quan điểm về động vật hoang dã, | Signature style Dance of the 7 weeds when sensuous moves on-the-money timing acrobatic leaps and extravagant headgear aren t enough it s time to break open the props cupboard and add an extra dimension. The great crested grebe is a dancer that loves to add glamour to what nature s already bestowed. Come mating season dark mascara and blusher are applied with a show-stopping headdress to emphasise the drama. With near-disdainful flicks of the head the courting couple initially bob their beaks from side to side with a shake and a nod completing the sequence with a touch of preening. The pas de deux continues as one extends its wings the other diving then rising again. But the climax is yet to come plunging beneath the surface the pair dive to retrieve gifts - weeds and other nesting material held proudly aloft as both birds stretch upwards breasts pressed together. ít s a touching show demonstrating a commitment to the nuptial home that many humans might learn from. -ứơ Tứ Nick Philippa 8 George Sophie 8 . i Philippa says Beautiful symmetry and impressive moves The use of props is somewhat hit-and-miss but I could feel the chemistry between you - makes me wonder what s going on behind the scenes. Dancing beak to beak the gorgeously arrayed grebes round off the performance by diving for gifts of nesting material. Andrew Parkinson Signature style Capoeira Some dances are so acrobatic that they almost appear to be fighting moves - and so it is with the mesmerising courtship dance of red-crowned or Japanese cranes. These leggy beauties - tall blessed with a dramatic costume of snow-white feathers black neck and red cap - reinforce their commitment to their long-term partners with an athletic routine leaping high off the ground flapping and wheeling around bobbing their heads and squawking en masse creating quite a racket amid the snowy landscapes of Hokkaido. And it s not just the happy couple making a scene entire flocks often join in indulging in a .