tailieunhanh - bbc wildlife magazine 2011 phần 5

Tham khảo tài liệu 'bbc wildlife magazine 2011 phần 5', ngoại ngữ, ngữ pháp tiếng anh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | More at ebook-free-dowmi With a mischievous glint in its eyes a bored young chimp reaches for a stick to amuse itself. There are striking similarities between play in children and young chimps. I S5 SONYA KAHLENBERG lectures in biology at Bates College in Maine. She has been studying Kanyawara s chimps since 2001. SUZl ESZTERHAS is an awardwinning wildlife photographer. She took these photos over a three-week period in 2009. RICHARD WRANGHAM has studied Kanyawara s chimps since 1987 and teaches human evolutionary biology at Harvard. PlSyjs vital to human development -on it ỈVIS vital to human developm anoour closest relatives thrive too. Young chimps just want to have fun say RICHARD WRANGHAM and SONYA KAHLENBERG. Photos by SUZIESZTERHAS ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR CHIMPANZEES FOREST GAMES Like juveniles of other species when food is plentiful young chimps may spend an hour or more playing every day. They romp alone or with each other delighting in lengthy tickling or wrestling sessions and chasing each other with gay abandon. Sometimes they even frolic with adult males. More rarely adult chimps indulge in horseplay - there are surely few more endearing sights than two 40-year-old males lolloping around a sapling as they slap each other s feet. Chimps occasionally incorporate objects such as leafy branches sticks or ferns into their games. A particular favourite is a version of tag in which one youngster waves an object in another s face then rushes away when his or her playmate tries to snatch it. Playing chimps often have a smile-like expression known as a play-face that is only ever seen in this context. And when play gets especially rambunctious they make wonderful vocalisations similar to panting that resemble human laughter. The forest is a giaW playground if you re a young chimp. IN MAY 1993 Kakama was almost eight years old a young chimpanzee on the verge of adolescence. He still spent most of his time alone with his mother Kabarole who was pregnant .