tailieunhanh - New Headway Beginner Test Book: Beginner Tests New English Course Julia Starr Keddle

Headway is a key input in calculating the overall route capacity of any transit system. A system that requires large headways has more empty space than passenger capacity, which lowers the total number of passengers or cargo quantity being transported for a given length of line (railroad or highway, for instance). In this case, the capacity has to be improved through the use of larger vehicles. On the other end of the scale, a system with short headways, like cars on a freeway, can offer very large capacities even though the vehicles carry few passengers | Beginner Tests New English Course - Julia Starr Keddle OXFORD New Headway Beginner Test Booklet Note to the teacher This booklet contains 14 Unit Tests which revise the corresponding units in New Headway Beginner Student s Book. There are two versions A and B of each test. They cover the same material but have been reorganized to allow easier administration of the tests in the classroom. Each test has a total score of 100. optional free-writing exercises. optional listening exercises using the recordings from the Student s Book. an Answer key for all the exercises. These tests may be photocopied freely for classroom use. They may not be adapted printed or sold without the permission of Oxford University .