tailieunhanh - basic english for computing phần 4

Tham khảo tài liệu 'basic english for computing phần 4', ngoại ngữ, ngữ pháp tiếng anh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Language work Making definitions Study these descriptions of an icon. An icon is a small picture on a computer screen. hl icon represents items such as floppy disks We can link these to make a definition of an icon. . In icon is a small picture on a computer screen which represents items such US floppy disks. Study these ot her examples of definitions. A mainframe is a very large computer which is used by universities businesses and government departments. A palm I up is a very small computer which can be held in one hand. A byte is a small unit of memory which can hold one character of data Task 9 Add Io the statements 11 10 using the extra Information la-j . Example A barcode is a pul tern III printed black lines which supermarkets use for pricing. 1 A barcode is a pattern of printed black lines a it contains the main electronic components. 2 A floppy is a disk b it adds features to a computer 5 A motherboard is a printed circuit board c it is about the size of a piece of paper. 4 A password is a sccrci set of characters d supermarkets use them for pricing. 5 A monitor is an output device c it reads and writes to disks. 6 A disk drive is a unit f it can hold 1 44Mb of data. 7 An expansion card is an electronic board g it allows access to a computer system. 8 A CD-ROM drive is a common storage device h it controls all the other boards in a computer. 9 A notebook is a portable computer i it displays data on a screen. 10 The system unit is the main part of the computer i it reads data from a CD-ROM disk. Task 10 Work with a partner. Ask for and make definitions of these items. Add other examples of your own. 1 PC 4 active window 2 menu 5 pointer 3 window 6 CD 40 Aids to communication You can use these phrases when you re discussing possibilities. I think Il s. It. miịiht. CiHikl br. Possibly II s. Problem-solving Task 11 Work in pairs. Study these forms die cursor can lake on your conifHiltT. Try to match each icon loom- item horn die list below 1 .