tailieunhanh - Policies and Procedures on Credit Curriculum

The Chancellor has ultimate authority over curriculum and the policies and procedures associated with curriculum. The Office of Academic Affairs shall oversee the curriculum process, ensuring that it conforms to university and college policies and goals, and that the requested changes will enhance the college’s curriculum. The Credit Curriculum and Academic Affairs Committee, hereinafter referred to as the CCAAC, is a standing committee of the Faculty Senate, charged with deliberating over curriculum matters. The Vice-Chancellor of Academic Affairs, or designee who shall be called the Curriculum Coordinator, shall be primarily responsible for infrastructure support regarding curriculum matters, which includes ensuring that college and UH system-level databases such as Curriculum Central are. | Policies and Procedures on Credit Curriculum References CCCM 6100 - Policies and Procedures for Approval of New and Modified Courses 1991 http ccc Docs CCCM_PDF CCCM 6002 - October 1985 http ccc Docs CCCM_PDF CCCM 6003 - December 1982 http ccc Docs CCCM_PDF Approval of New Academic Programs and Review of Provisional Programs http apls ep e5 - Review of Established Programs http offices cc docs policies - Credit Hours http www. apls ep e5 e5228. pdf UH Board of Regents - Academic Affairs specifically 5-1 through 5-3 and 5-13 http offices bor policy Windward CC Faculty Senate Constitution Article V http committees Faculty_Senate Credit Curriculum and Academic Affairs Committee Policy http windward. hawai i. edu comm ittees CCAAC ACCJC Letter on Credit Hours March 2011 http wp-content uploads 2011 04 ACCJC-letter-and-Dear-Colleague-letter-on- ACCJC Accreditation Standards Annotated for Continuous Quality Improvement and SLOs http wp- content uploads 2011 01 Current Date 10 3 12 page 1 of 10 Background and Purpose The Mission of Windward Community College depends on creating and maintaining a coherent and effective system of credit courses and programs. The college is committed to academic excellence and on-going evaluation. The Credit Curriculum Policies and Procedures document is intended to create approve modify deactivate and assess curriculum for credit courses and programs. The primary committee on campus that deals with curriculum matters is the Credit Course and Academic Affairs Committee. Other groups on campus such as the Office of Academic Affairs and the Institutional Effectiveness Committee are also part of .