tailieunhanh - Dictionary of Accounting Terms Barron's Business Guides_8

Tham khảo tài liệu 'dictionary of accounting terms barron's business guides_8', tài chính - ngân hàng, kế toán - kiểm toán phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | 228 turnover of labour forecast turnover. 2. the number of times something is used or sold in a period usually one year expressed as a percentage of a total turnover of labour t3inouvor ov leibo noun same as labour turnover turnover ratio tsmouvo reijiou noun a measure of the number of times a business s stock is turned over in a given year calculated as the cost of sales divided by the stock s average book value turnover tax tsmouvo tffiks noun same as VAT turnround tsmraund noun 1. the value of goods sold during a year divided by the average value of goods held in stock 2. the act of making a company profitable again NOTE all senses The US term is turnaround. two-way analysis tu wei o nslosis noun an analysis of business activity that looks at price and quantity in relation to materials and labour and budget and volume in relation to overheads but does not consider spending and efficiency U UBR abbreviation uniform business rate UITF abbreviation Urgent Issues Task Force ultimate holding company .Altimat houlđiq kAmp o ní noun the top company in a group consisting of several layers of parent companies and subsidiaries umbrella organisation Am brelo oigonaizeự o n noun a large organisation which includes several smaller ones unaccounted for Ano kauntiđ foi adjective lost without any explanation o Several thousand units are unaccounted for in the stocktaking. unadjusted trial balance Anođ3Astiđ traial bffilons noun a trial balance that has not yet been adjusted at a period end for items such as closing stock unappropriated profits .Anõproupríeitiđ profits plural noun profits that have neither been distributed to a company s shareholders as dividends nor set aside as specific reserves unappropriated retained earnings .Anõproupríeitiđ ri teinđ smiqz plural noun retained earnings no portion of which has been assigned to a special purpose unaudited An oiđitiđ adjective having not been audited o unaudited accounts unaudited statement Anpiđitiđ steitmant noun a financial