Tham khảo tài liệu 'one word prepositions - part 3', ngoại ngữ, ngữ pháp tiếng anh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | One-word Prepositions than also conj. He is a writer than whom there is no finer. Your car is bigger than my car. through thru Us The train goes through a tunnel. I can see light through the keyhole. You have been through a difficult experience. You went through a red light. The error occurred through my own stupidity. They worked Monday through Thursday. US throughout It is raining throughout the whole country. He worked throughout the day and most of the night. till also conj. I work from 9am till 5pm. Please wait till I come. to Could you give this to Kob My car does 10 miles to the litre. To his surprise the door was open. The museum is open from Monday to Friday. The time is ten to five. touching Touching your homework I think we need to speak. toward US towards uK He drove off toward s the mountain. I d better go. It s getting toward s midnight. He contributed 100 000 toward s the new building. It s the first step toward s peace. He has a positive attitude toward s his work. English Prepositions List - An eBook 25 One-word Prepositions under The mouse ran under the chair. The bucket is under the sink. Submarines can travel under water. We drove under a bridge. I have a T-shirt under my pullover. Who do you work under Who is your boss I am under orders from the President. What is the subject under discussion Under the company rules we can t do that. Please buy it if it s under 50. underneath The nurse put a pillow underneath his head. There is a big cellar underneath our house. unlike That s very unusual. It s unlike Andrea to be so rude. This problem is unlike any we have met before. until formal also conj. They continued the meeting until 11 pm. Please wait until I come. up Jack and Jill ran up the hill. There is a post office up the street. upon formal Please don t put your shoes upon the table. There are now no dinosaurs upon Earth. I need a book upon bio-chemistry. We met upon a Monday. He broke his leg upon getting .