tailieunhanh - Ecological Risk Assessment for Contaminated Sites - Chapter 8

khắc phục hậu quả mục tiêu -William Shakespeare, Hamlet Bệnh tuyệt vọng phát triển bởi thiết bị tuyệt vọng thuyên giảm, hoặc không gì cả. Bước đầu tiên của một nghiên cứu tính khả thi trong quá trình RI / FS là xác định mục tiêu khắc phục hậu quả (còn gọi là mục tiêu khắc phục hậu quả hành động) để bảo vệ sức khỏe con người và môi trường. Các mục tiêu khắc phục hậu quả xác định chất gây ô nhiễm và các phương tiện truyền thông quan tâm, con đường tiếp xúc với tiềm năng, và các tiêu chí. | 8 Remedial Goals Diseases desperate grown by desperate appliance are relieved or not at all. William Shakespeare Hamlet The first step of a feasibility study in the RI FS process is to identify remedial goals also called remedial action objectives for protecting human health and the environment. The remedial goals specify contaminants and media of concern potential exposure pathways and cleanup criteria EPA 1990a . The criteria are typically concentrations of chemicals in the specified media that are expected to protect human health and the environment adequately based on risk assessments of the specified routes of exposure. Chemical concentrations are the usual criteria because they are the single line of evidence used in a human health risk assessment. However ecological risk assessment offers the possibility that remedial goals can be defined more broadly than chemical criteria. These remedial goals are developed iteratively beginning with the DQO process in the problem formulation and ending with sitespecific goals that are set by regulatory agencies and agreed to by site managers if the site is a . federal facility. The remedial goals are the basis for the selection of candidate remedial alternatives by engineers and site managers. Remedial goals must specify a receptor and exposure route because the EPA acknowledges that protection can be attained by actions that decrease exposure as well as by decreasing concentrations of chemicals in environmental media EPA 1990a . The risk assessor s primary input to risk management is proposed cleanup criteria alternatively termed preliminary remediation goals EPA 1991d treatment endpoints Alexander 1995 corrective action goals ASTM 1999 or remediation objectives CCME 1996a . The term remedial goal options RGOs used by some EPA Regions is preferable to the other four because it emphasizes 1 that reducing risks from contamination to minimal levels is only one of the risk manager s options when making a remedial decision