Man-Made Môi trường: nước bề mặt Các nước liên quan đến môi trường thành phần của một nghiên cứu NEPA bao gồm việc xem xét chất lượng nước, mô hình thoát nước, các cơ quan mặt nước gần đó, và vùng đồng bằng ngập lũ. Yêu cầu pháp lý cho chất lượng nước không được vi phạm. Các phần ban đầu của chương này sẽ xem xét các yêu cầu pháp lý cho chất lượng nước và các quy định áp dụng. Những tác động tiểu học và trung học trên mặt nước sẽ được xác định. Các phương pháp để. | 7 The Man-Made Environment Surface Water The water-related environmental component of a NEPA study includes consideration of water quality drainage patterns nearby surface water bodies and floodplains. Legal requirements for water quality must not be violated. The initial portion of this chapter will review the legal requirements for water quality and the regulations that apply. The primary and secondary impacts on surface water will be defined. The methodology for defining the existing water quality then will be described. The evaluation of impacts will be discussed. There are some very specific types of projects that may impact surface water. The EIS approach to some of these will be described in detail. Requirements and impacts relating to groundwater are unique and fit better in Chapter 8 of this book. They will be discussed there. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS The 1960s and 1970s brought forth a framework of federal laws providing for water quality protection. As a group these laws were meant to protect human health the water we drink and the fish we consume. They were intended to protect aquatic life and to provide a quality suitable for recreation in and on the water. They are interrelated in that they are designed to function in concert one with the other in providing an umbrella of protection. Most have been amended since initially enacted in order to extend and solidify their initial requirements. While there are several laws affecting surface water that must be considered in the NEPA type studies the two that are the most important by far are the Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act. The provisions of those acts that must be considered in an EIS are discussed in the following pages. THE CLEAN WATER ACT Water Quality Standards The key part of the Clean Water Act insofar as NEPA is concerned is the requirement to establish water quality standards. NEPA requires that any actions taken under it will not violate those standards. 1999 by CRC .