Cơ sở pháp lý cho tác động môi trường Báo cáo Trong chương này, ba văn bản của liên bang để hình thành cơ sở pháp lý để yêu cầu cho một Báo cáo tác động môi trường (EIS) sẽ được mô tả: 1. Môi trường Luật Chính sách Quốc gia (NEPA). 2. Hội đồng Chất lượng môi trường (CEQ) Quy định thực hiện NEPA. 3. Sắc lệnh 11514 là được sửa đổi, bổ sung theo Lệnh 11991, quyền "Bảo vệ và tăng cường chất lượng môi trường đó yêu cầu Cơ quan Liên bang Thực hiện NEPA. " Do tầm quan trọng của chủ đề của cuốn sách này, hai. | 2 The Legal Basis for Environmental Impact Statements In this chapter the three federal documents that form the legal basis for the requirement for an Environmental Impact Statement EIS will be described 1. The National Environmental Policy Act NEPA . 2. The Council on Environmental Quality CEQ Regulations for Implementing NEPA. 3. Executive Order 11514 as amended by Executive Order 11991 entitled Protection and Enhancement of Environmental Quality That Requires Federal Agencies to Implement NEPA. Because of their importance to the subject of this book the first two documents are reproduced in full in the appendices. The discussion of those three documents will be followed in this chapter by examples of agency regulations for their implementation. Finally a brief discussion will present similar requirements by states and municipalities. THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT A major turning point in the United States concern for the environment occurred in 1969 when Congress enacted the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 otherwise known as NEPA. For the first time in our history a law was enacted which required that environmental effects be considered before any activity requiring a federal permit could be undertaken. Think before you act became the national policy. A discussion of the key features of the Act follows. NEPA established a nationwide policy for promoting environmental considerations for federal decision making. NEPA represents the national environmental goals and policies which are intended to mitigate mistakes of the past and to avoid possible problems in the future through thoughtful and coordinated planning efforts. The essence of the Act and indeed of the entire environmental movement in this country is stated in the Purpose of the Act Section 2 as follows To declare a national policy which will encourage productive and enjoyable harmony between man and his environment to promote efforts which will prevent or eliminate damage to the .