tailieunhanh - Tài liệu certificate in proficiency english tests oxford phần 10

Tài liệu tham khảo dành cho giáo viên, học sinh đang trong giai đoạn học hay ôn thi môn tiếng anh. Bộ sưu tập các giáo trình môn tiếng anh, giúp bạn củng cố kiến thức và rèn luyện khả năng học và làm môn anh văn tốt hơn. | PAPER 2 WRITING SAMPLE ANSWERS LETTER TEST 1 QUESTION 1 Dear Editorial staff I ve read your article about young people very thoroughly and can t deny the truth of most facts you give but what I really dislike is how you blame our children for that. It is true that children of today don t play football in the streets any more to get rid of all their energy or meet outside to play with marbles nowadays it is more likely to find them sitting in front of the computer or the television. But consider the circumstances It s much too dangerous to play outside most of the parents sensibly decide. However children need to play. Lucky the one s that have neighbour s that can come over whenever they like. But that case is very rare and mostly the parents haven t got time to play with the children. TV and the computer is the best way to keep them occupied and quiet. And here begins the vicious circle. The TV and computer games present to children the heart of materialism and imaginary worlds which are not only one child s but they can discuss them with their friends at school. The ones who read books or have only their own imaginations are out they don t belong to the multi-media children s group. This mechanism makes all children long for more and always the latest games videos etc. And it spoils all efforts of the few parents that try to bring up their children without TV and computer games. By the way many children read books as well but that is not what rules their lives they don t get attention for that mostly. An exception is shown by . Rowling and her Harry Potter books. Maybe she found the key to even the multi-media children s mind through a book at least she made everyone read - until the Harry Potter books were read on tape and now they even want to make a film of it. That shows how our society forces everything to fit in the multi-media complex and that everybody s minds especially the children s are surrendered to it almost helplessly. The frightening thing is .