This book represents recent research on tropical cyclones and their impact, and a wide range of topics are covered. An updated global climatology is presented, including the global occurrence of tropical cyclones and the terrestrial factors that may contribute to the variability and long-term trends in their occurrence. Research also examines long term trends in tropical cyclone occurrences and intensity as related to solar activity, while other research discusses the impact climate change may have on these storms | Part 4 Societal Impacts Risk and Damage Assessment 18 Modelling Hurricane Related Hazards and Risk through GIS for Early Warning Systems Andrea Taramelli1 Massimiliano Pasqui2 Laura Melelli3 Monia Santini4 and Alessandro Sorichetta5 1ISPRA Institute for Environmental Research via di Casalotti 300 Roma 2Institute of Biometeorology - National Research Council Roma Department of Earth Science University of Perugia Perugia 4euroMediterranean Center for Climate Changes Lecce 5Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Ardito Desio Università degli Studi di Milano Milano Italy 1. Introduction In the last decade developing hazard models for hurricane impact studies also integrating GIS and remote sensed data has become a major topic of research. However hurricane hazard areal identification and risk assessment remain largely unsolved problems Kok Winograd 2002 . Indeed despite the disastrous effects of hurricanes on coastal and inland communities are well known O Hare 2001 Pielke et al. 2003 Watson Johnson 2005 there is still a need to better understand the contributions to hazards of the different mechanisms related to hurricanes strike like storm surge floods and high winds. In fact it is well known that hurricane hazard is controlled by or dependent on a large and complex set of natural and human induced environmental factors Howard et al. 2003 Shen et al. 2005 Pielke et al. 2008 but to complicate matters further hurricane related events like storm surges floods and high winds require forecasting appraisal that is often founded upon different methods techniques and tools Jiang et al. 2003 Bao et al. 2006 . All that calls for a multidisciplinary and integrated approach in this sense technologies such as GIS and Remote Sensing RS have raised great expectations as potential means of coping with natural disasters like hurricanes. GIS is actually the best instrument to compare and analyze spatial data. Coarse and free digital data are now available also for geographic areas .