Bonds of Blood and Honour” is an introductory adventure for A Game of Th rones RPG. It is structured around the “Noble House” campaign style. It is not completely scripted, and requires the GM to fl esh out certain details and make important decisions about some aspects of the plot. Additionally, it does not provide stat write-ups for the major NPCs, instead referring to the sample NPCs from the core rulebook. Note that the adventure is written for the d20-based Open Gaming rules, but includes the corresponding Tri-Stat System rules [italicised, in brackets], when appropriate. This adventure assumes that all of the player characters are loyal retainers. | SYSTEM 2005 Guardians Of Order Inc. A Game of Thrones 2005 George R. R. Martin. All Rights Reserved. Bonds of Blood and Honour A DUAL-STATTED Introductory Adventure for A Game of Thrones RPG written by Jason Durall Bonds of Blood AND Honour 0 introduction Bonds of Blood and Honour is an introductory adventure for A Game of Thrones RPG. It is structured around the Noble House campaign style. It is not completely scripted and requires the GM to flesh out certain details and make important decisions about some aspects of the plot. Additionally it does not provide stat write-ups for the major NPCs instead referring to the sample NPCs from the core rulebook. Note that the adventure is written for the d20-based Open Gaming rules but includes the corresponding Tri-Stat System rules italicised in brackets when appropriate. This adventure assumes that all of the player characters are loyal retainers of or nobles related to House Locke of Oldcastle a minor house of the North. The players can either use the pre-generated characters found with this adventure or create new characters to fit into House Locke. House Locke is not detailed in the core rulebook but is a minor house similar to House Umber. Its chief members are described herein under Personalities of House Locke. Series Canon and Spoilers The events depicted herein take place sometime before the beginning of A Game of Thrones. Certain details from the official story have been used but as a whole this is a work of fiction and should not be considered canonical to George R. R. Martin s world. Rather it is an extrapolation for the role-playing game. These parenthetical notes contain spoiler information from the novels up through Storm of Swords and the fates of the NPCs described therein. They are provided solely for the Game Master s reference and do not have any bearing on the outcome of events in this adventure. If the GM sees fit this information can be provided to the players afterwards or as a parenthetical aside