tailieunhanh - focus on academic skills for ielts phần 10

Cung cấp phân loại, thực hành bốn kỹ năng chuyên sâu, với sự nhấn mạnh đặc biệt vào việc đọc và viết Củng cố và mở rộng vốn từ vựng học cần thiết cho IELTS Ngân hàng Ngôn ngữ chính trong mỗi mô-đun cung cấp một nguồn tài nguyên có giá trị cho sửa đổi | ANSWER KEYS MODULE G Kevin Oh and one last thing . I wonder if you d mind telling me how you heard about US. We ve just opened a new webpage and we re interested to see how effective it is. Molly No I actually heard about you from the woman next door. She couldn t remember your number but I looked it up in the phone book. Molly Oh right. It s always the best advertising word of mouth. Right OK thank you Mrs Douglass. Molly Thank you. Goodbye. 3 a 4 spelling mistake volume 5 incorrect insertion of present tense verb is 6 overlength answer verb article not needed 7 insertion of ago means that this does not answer the question How old. Focus on reading page 88 1 a 1 Yes he does. 2 e-mail and the World Wide Web b 1 In what concrete ways can information and communication technologies ICTs benefit the two-thirds of humanity who are more concerned about their next meal than about e-mail or eBay But how can those people who need ICT capabilities most be best helped to bridge the Digital Divide 2 benefits of information technology for economics health education and government 3 Information Village Project and Simputer 2 1 costs 2 epidemics 3 distance learning 4 government information 5 confidence 3 a Information Village Project Simputer Paragraphs G and H b 6 c c 7 B 8D 9A 10 D lie 4 a call centres Indian economy b the first and last paragraphs c 12 B 13 D 14 A Focus on writing page 91 1 1 The advantages and disadvantages of using e-mail for social and professional communication 2 a Advantages 1 4 6 Disadvantages 2 3 5 b 2 and 6 1 3 and 5 can all be used for both contexts 4 is social only. 3 1b 2 a 4 a argument-led b 1 The overall length is only 89 words instead of 250. This would lose marks. 2 The introduction is copied. This would lose marks. 3 The argument is not developed points are simply listed. 4 The link words are only used to add information other relationships are not signalled. 5 There is no conclusion so it does not answer the question. 6 The range of language .