EMILE DURKHEIM (1858–1917) remains a major figure in social science as a whole and he is unambiguously a ‘founding father’ of sociology. Whereas other social theorists from the classical period of sociology (1890–1920) were often somewhat ambiguous about their status as ‘sociologists’, Durkheim appears to have had a clear vision of the importance of building sociology as a science of social facts. His sociology continues to play a profound role in shaping contemporary thought about the nature of modern life, and anybody who wants to understand modern French social thought must take Durkheim seriously | ROUTLEDGE SOCIOLOGY CLASSICS EMILE DURKHEIM With a New Preface by Bryan PROFESSIONAL ETHICS and CIVIC MORALS Also available as a printed book see title verso for ISBN details PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND CIVIC MORALS In this book Durkheim outlined the core of his theory of morality and social rights which was to dominate his work until his untimely death in 1917. Durkheim saw sociology as a science of morals which are objective social facts these moral regulations form the basis of individual rights and obligations. The book is crucial for understanding Durkheim s sociology because it contains his much neglected theory of the state as a moral institution. It is also essential for understanding his critique of anomie and egoistic individualism. The growing interest in cultural relations and moral regulation associated with recent contributions in historical sociology makes this new edition of Durkheim s classic work especially timely. It shows that Durkheim had worked out a position on the modern state which is a genuine rival to the Marxian and Weberian traditions. Durkheim s stress on the moral regulation of everyday life chimes with current concerns with individual freedom and the contours of permissible behaviour. It is an essential resource in understanding the state and society and it can also be read as a crucial work in modern social theory. Bryan has done a superb job in showing the social and political influences on Durkheim during the writing of the book not-ably the notorious Dreyfus affair. He also shows how the book should be interpreted in relation to other key works in Durkheim s oeuvre and its relevance for modern sociology. ROUTLEDGE SOCIOLOGY CLASSICS Editor Bryan FROM MAX WEBER Translated Edited and with an Introduction by and Mills IDEOLOGY AND UTOPIA Karl Mannheim THE SOCIAL SYSTEM Talcott .