tailieunhanh - Absolute FreeBSD: The Complete Guide to FreeBSD, 2nd Edition

FreeBSD—the powerful, flexible, and free Unix-like operating system—is the preferred server for many enterprises. But it can be even trickier to use than either Unix or Linux, and harder still to FreeBSD, 2nd Edition is your complete guide to FreeBSD, written by FreeBSD | ABSOLUTE FREEBSD 2ND EDITION THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO FREEBSD MICHAELW. LUCAS PRAISE FOR THE FIRST EDITION ABSOLUTE BSD Even longtime users of FreeBSD may be surprised at the power and features it can bring to bear as a server platform and Absolute BSD is an excellent guide to harnessing that power. . . . provides beautifully written tutorials and reference material to help you make the most of the strengths of this OS. LinuxUser Developer Magazine . . . a great resource for people new to BSD and those who have been using it for years. Michael Lucas has a writing style which is very easy to read and absorb. Freshmeat A very fine piece of work it isn t about how to implement BSD solutions but it is about managing systems in situ. - LOGIN . . . packed with a lot of information. Daemon news PRAISE FOR ABSOLUTE OPENBSD BY MICHAEL LUCAS Absolute OpenBSD by Michael Lucas is a broad and mostly gentle introduction into the world of the OpenBSD operating system. It is sufficiently complete and deep to give someone new to OpenBSD a solid footing for doing real work and the mental tools for further exploration. . . . The potentially boring topic of systems administration is made very readable and even fun by the light tone that Lucas uses. Chris Palmer President San Francisco OpenBSD users Group . . . a well-written book that hits its market squarely on target. Those new to OpenBSD will appreciate the comprehensive approach that takes them from concept to functional execution. Existing and advanced users will benefit from the discussion of OpenBSD-specific topics such as the security features and pf administration. Slashdot i recommend Absolute OpenBSD to all programmers and administrators working with the OpenBSD operating system OS or considering it. .