tailieunhanh - Teach Yourself Facebook for Businessin 10 Minutes phần 8

tên người dùng Facebook khác, người gần đây đã kiểm tra vào cùng một vị trí. Không chỉ bạn bè của họ chỉ khác người sử dụng Facebook. Vì vậy, nếu một người nào đó đến với bạn trong dòng giải khát tại các rạp chiếu phim và nói, "Xin chào bạn trên Facebook?", Họ đã không bị mất tâm trí của họ, họ đã nhìn thấy của bạn kiểm tra ở trên Facebook Places. | 150 LESSON 10 Creating Facebook Deals Creating a Deal You can and should plan your Deals before you create them. Because the approval process takes a couple of days you want to get the details right before you apply. Here are the things you need to decide Type of Deal. You can create an Individual Deal the simplest kind a Friend Deal for groups that come in together a Loyalty Deal which kicks in after some number of visits and a Charity Deal which gives money to a charity when people check in not when they check in and also buy which some of us might have preferred . Your offer. Sum up the deal in a few words such as Free pair of tennis shoes with dress shoes. Sum up how to claim it in a few words as well Present this coupon at purchase. Start and end dates. When will the offer start and end Give the dates and times. Quantity. You can stop showing a Deal after it s been claimed a certain number of times which is a great fail-safe if a Deal proves really popular. Repeatability. You can limit a deal to one claim per Facebook user or let a user claim the same deal once a day for the duration of the offer. CAUTION Edit Your Work Carefully Editing your text carefully is crucial for something like a Facebook Deal. You ll only be entering perhaps a dozen words total the offer and how to claim it. But any typos in those few words will reflect badly on you and your business. After you ve entered all the fields for a deal capture a screenshot before you press the Create Deal button. Press Alt PrtScr to capture the active window then press Ctrl V to paste the image into an email or word processing document. Email the deal to some people and print out a copy so Creating a Deal 151 you and perhaps a trusted friend or two can review it on paper. Make any changes you need then repeat the process every time you make a change until you re sure it s write. Did you catch that one Once you ve figured all this out dive in Here s how to create a Deal 1. Search for your business using .