tailieunhanh - Microsoft Excel 2010 Data Analysis and Business Modeling phần 10

trong tế bào phía trên bên trái của bảng dữ liệu (A15) bằng cách nhập vào C11. Bây giờ bạn có thể đánh lừa Excel vào mô phỏng 1000 lặp đi lặp lại của nhu cầu đối với từng số lượng sản xuất. Chọn phạm vi bảng (A15: E1014), và sau đó trong nhóm Tools dữ liệu vào mục Data | 628 Microsoft Excel 2010 Data Analysis and Business Modeling For prices near the current price however the linear demand curve is usually a good approximation of the product s true demand curve. As a second example let s again assume that a product is currently selling for 100 and demand equals 500 units. The product s price elasticity for demand is 2. Now let s fit a power demand curve to this information. See the file shown in Figure 79-2. FIGURE 79-2 Power demand curve. In cell E3 I enter a trial value for a. Then in cell D5 I enter the current price of 100. Because elasticity of demand equals 2 we know that the demand curve has the form q ap 2 where a is unknown. In cell E5 I enter the demand for a price of 100 corresponding to the value of a in cell E3 with the formula a D5 -2. Now I can use the Goal Seek command for details see Chapter 18 The Goal Seek Command to determine the value of a that makes the demand for price 100 equal to 500 units. I simply set cell E5 to the value 500 by changing cell E3. I find that a value for a of 5 million yields a demand of 500 at a price of 100. Thus the demand curve graphed in Figure 79-2 is given by q 5 000 000p 2. For any price the price elasticity of demand on this demand curve equals 2. What does a demand curve tell us about a customer s willingness to pay for our product Let s suppose you are trying to sell a software program to a Fortune 500 company. Let q equal the number of copies of the program the company demands and let p equal the price charged for the software. Suppose you have estimated that the demand curve for software is given by q 400-p. Clearly your customer is willing to pay less for each additional unit of the software program. Locked inside this demand curve is information about how much the company is willing to pay for each unit of the program. This information is crucial for maximizing profitability of sales. Chapter 79 Estimating a Demand Curve 629 Let s rewrite the demand curve as p