The biggest losers have been the most vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in society, especially rural women and men in developing countries. Three out of four poor people in developing countries live in rural areas, and most depend on agriculture or related activities for their livelihoods. According to a World Bank country rating study, in agriculture-based countries – those where agriculture contributes an average of 32 per cent of GDP growth – 70 per cent of poor people live in rural areas. In transforming countries, where agriculture is no longer a main source of economic growth, contributing on average only 7 per cent to GDP growth, 82 per cent of all poor people. | 2007 021 MASTER S THESIS Benefits of e-CRM for Banks and their Customers Case studies of two Swedish banks SRINIVAS ANUMALA BOLLAMPALLY KISHORE KUMAR REDDY Luleâ University of Technology Master Thesis Continuation Courses Electronic commerce Department of Business Administration and Social Sciences Division of Industrial marketing and e-commerce 2007 021 - ISSN 1653-0187 - ISRN LTU-PB-EX--07 021--SE Abstract The customer relationship management CRM is essential and vital function of customer oriented marketing. Its functions include gathering and accumulating customer-related information in order to provide effective services. e-CRM is a combination of IT sector but also the key strategy to electronic commerce. e-CRM is a combination of software hardware application and management commitment. Aim of e-CRM system is to improve customer service develop a relationship and retain valuable customers. e-CRM is a concern for many organizations especially banking sector. The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of the benefits e-CRM to customers and organization in banking industry. To justify the purpose two research questions have been addressed and on the basis literature review a frame of reference was developed which helped us to answer the research questions and collect data. A qualitative research approach was used for this study. Empirical data was collected through in-depth interviews were conducted with two Swedish banks and a group of their customers. In the last chapter findings and conclusions were drawn on the basis on research questions. Our findings indicate that Swedish banks are well aware of the benefits and applications of the e-CRM and use the system to maintain good relationships with their customers. Our findings also indicate that with the implementation of e-CRM and the latest technologies. We have found that both the banks seem to have same description about the benefits of e-CRM. We found that both banks have maintained good .