Finally, more efficiency-driven project selection could possibly deliver the greatest gains. An independent bank with a professional staff could rank project proposals by expected economic and social returns, and allot funds accordingly. They would not have to be constrained by outmoded formulas or arbitrary allocation processes, and could instead ensure that each dollar lent out achieves the greatest possible impact for the greatest number of people. With funding for projects of all kinds becoming increasingly difficult to come by and with infrastructure needs growing daily, we cannot afford to continue being inefficient with our spending. A national infrastruc- ture bank could. | UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington . 20549 OMB APPROVAL OMB Number 3235-0069 Expires April 30 2013 Estimated average burden hours per INDUSTRY GUIDES TABLE OF CONTENTS Guide Subject Page Securities Act Industry Guides 1 Removed and Reserved Disclosure by electic and gas 2 Disclosure of oil and gas 3 Statistical disclosure by bank holding 4 Prospectus relating to interests in oil and gas 5 Preparation of registration statements relating to interests in real estate limited 6 Disclosures concerning unpaid claims and claim adjustment expenses of property-casualty insurance 7 Description of property by issuers engaged or to be engaged in significant mining Exchange Act Industry Guides 1 Removed and Reserved Disclosure by electric and gas 2 Disclosure of oil and gas 3 Statistical disclosure by bank holding 4 Disclosures concerning unpaid claims and claim adjustment expenses of property casualty 7 Description of property by issuers engaged or to be engaged in significant mining SEC 2056 5-07 1 of 37 SECURITIESACT INDUSTRY GUIDES Disclosure by Electric and Gas Utilities Guide 1. Removed and Reserved Disclosure of Oil and Gas Operations Guide 2. If oil and gas operations are material to the registrant s and its subsidiaries business operations or financial position the disclosure specified in this Guide should be included under appropriate captions in tabular form if practicable and with cross references where applicable to related information disclosed in financial statements . Provided however That limited partnerships or joint ventures that conduct operate manage or report upon oil and gas drilling or income programs that acquire properties either for drilling and production or for production of oil gas or geothermal steam or water need not include such disclosure and