tailieunhanh - To provide for the health, education, and welfare of children under 6 years
But what does knowing about a culture’s explanatory models have to do with getting your organization’s message to a hard-to-reach audience? Everything, if your message is about health- related beliefs and behaviors. Often, we try to educate or to convince people to act a certain way using our explanatory models, instead of theirs. If you want to help a community improve its health, you need to understand the way its community members think. If you want to get the word out to a cultural community, knowing something about that community’s health care beliefs and behaviors is essential. In other words, one of the best ways to. | AUTHENTICATED . GOVERNMENT INFORMATION GPỌ I 106th congress f f Pl X a ẩ 2D seSsioN H. R. 4o3U To provide for the health education and welfare of children under 6 years of age. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES June 9 2000 Ms. Millender-McDonald for herself Mr. Abercrombie Mr. Baca Ms. CARSON Mrs. Clayton Mr. Hastings of Florida Mr. Hilliard Ms. Jackson-Lee of Texas Mrs. Mink of Hawaii Ms. Schakowsky and Mr. Underwood introduced the following bill which was referred to the committee on Education and the Workforce A BILL To provide for the health education and welfare of children under 6 years of age. 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- 2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled 3 SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE TABLE OF CONTENTS. 4 a Short Title. This Act may be cited as the 5 Early Childhood Development Act of 2000 . 6 b Table of Contents. The table of contents of 7 this Act is as follows Sec. 1. Short title table of contents. Sec. 2. Findings. TITLE I ASSISTANCE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Sec. 101. Definitions. Sec. 102. Allotments to States. Sec. 103. Grants to local collaboratives. Sec. 104. Supplement not supplant. Sec. 105. Authorization of appropriations. TITLE II CHILD CARE FOR FAMILIES Sec. 201. Amendment to Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990. TITLE III AMENDMENTS TO THE HEAD START ACT Sec. 301. Authorization of appropriations. Sec. 302. Effective date. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Congress makes the following findings 1 The Nation s highest priority should be to ensure that children begin school ready to learn. 2 New scientific research shows that the electrical activity of brain cells actually changes the physical structure of the brain itself and that without a stimulating environment a baby s brain will suffer. At birth a baby s brain contains 100 000 000 000 neurons roughly as many nerve cells as there are stars in the Milky Way but the wiring pattern between these neurons .
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