tailieunhanh - Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Management of the Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy

Sexual and reproductive rights apply to all individuals regardless of HIV status. Yet more often than not, the rights of HIV-positive women and adolescent girls are not recognized or given priority. Gender inequality and some social and cultural practices often tightly restrict and sometimes control the decisions that women and girls can make regarding their sexual and reproductive choices. Due to poverty, HIV-related stigma, and discrimination, the ac- cess of HIV-positive women and adolescent girls to critically needed information and ser- vices is severely curtailed, with dire consequences. Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services for HIV-positive women and adolescent girls are limited in scope, access, and quality—where. | ĨOGC Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada The official voice of reproductive health care in Canada Le porte-parole officiel des soins génésiques au Canada Journal d obstetrique et gynécologie du Canada Volume 30 Number 3 volume 30 numéro 3 March mars 2008 Supplement 1 supplément 1 Abstract .S1 Laura A. Magee Michael Helewa Jean-Marie Moutquin Peter von Dadelszen Recomendations .S3 Introduction .S7 Chapter 1 Diagnosis and Classification .S9 Chapter 2 Prediction Prevention and Prognosis of Preeclampsia .S16 Chapter 3 Treatment of the Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy . . . .S24 Diagnosis Evaluation and Management of the Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy Chapter 4 Future Directions .S37 References .S38 THE SOCIETY OF OBSTETRICIANS AND GYNAECOLOGISTS OF CANADA LA SOCIÉTÉ J3ES OBSTFTRICIENS ET GYNECOLOGUES DU CANADA Publications mailing agreement 40026233 Return undeliverable Canadian copies and change of address notifications to SOGC Subscriptions Services 780 Echo Dr. Ottawa Ontario K1S 5R7. SOGC Editor-in-Chief Rédacteur en chef Timothy Rowe CPL Editor Rédactrice PPP Vyta Senikas Translator Traducteur Martin Pothier Assistant Editor Rédactrice adjointe Jane Fairbanks Editorial Assistant Adjointe à la rédaction Daphne Sams Editorial Office Bureau de la rédaction Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada Room D 405A Women s Health Centre Building 4500 Oak Street Vancouver BC V6H 3N1 jogcadmin@ Tel- 604 875-2424 ext. 5668 Fax 604 875-2590 The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada JOGC is owned by the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada SOGC published by the Canadian Psychiatric Association CPA and printed by Dollco Printing Ottawa On. Le Journal d obstetrique et gynécologie du Canada JOGC qui relève de la Société des obstétriciens et gynécologues du Canada SOGC est publié par l Association des psychiatres du Canada APC et imprimé par Dollco Printing Ottawa Ontario . Publications Mail Agreement no. 40026233. Return .