tailieunhanh - Code Leader Using People, Tools, and Processes to Build Successful Software phần 6
FIT (Khung tích hợp thử nghiệm) là một nỗ lực tương đối gần đây để thử nghiệm chức năng cho người dùng kinh doanh. FIT sử dụng HTML để xác định các xét nghiệm về các bảng, mỗi bảng được làm đầy với đầu vào thử nghiệm và kết quả mong đợi, như thể hiện trong hình 5-7. | Chapter 5 Testing FIT FIT Framework for Integrated Test is a relatively recent attempt to bring functional testing to the business user. FIT uses HTML to define tests in terms of tables where each table is filled with test input and expected results as shown in Figure 5-7. Figure 5-7 The intent is for business users to define these tables because it is the business users who know what the expected results should be. This method is best applied to algorithm testing rather than to more functional testing. The archetypal case for FIT testing is something like a payroll system. A business user would know what the expected results would be for each set of inputs say calculating FICA tax from gross income. The nontechnical accountant can build a table of all the expected tax rates for each level of income and developers can instrument their code and build the FIT infrastructure to run those tests. While FIT testing is a very interesting idea and applies well in a fairly narrow range of applications it shouldn t be used outside of that range. Don t try to apply FIT to all of your unit testing for example. Use it for what it was intended getting business users to provide input and expected results to test your algorithms. 103 Part II Process Automation and Your Organization Test automation can be integrated with different parts of your organization. The biggest questions to answer are who writes tests who runs them and who gets notified of the results. We ve already talked about who should write which kinds of tests. Generally developers should write unit and integration tests while testers should write functional tests. But who writes the test plans Who makes sure that the right testing is being done Developers may shoulder some of that burden but ultimately testers should probably be responsible for overseeing testing as a whole including testing done by developers. One approach is the buddy system. For each developer who is writing unit tests assign a tester to review .
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