tailieunhanh - Training Module 1 Children's Environmental Health

In French-speaking African countries reproductive health services for men, including access to condoms and vasectomy services, and access to services for disease prevention and treat- ment, have been handicapped by unavailability, lack of information, cultural obstacles, and poor quality of services. Many of the obstacles that stand in the way of delivering more and better health care to women and children affect men as well. In addition, the notion that family planning has little to do with men has limited men’s access to services. To overcome this obstacle programs can do more to provide information directed to men, train service providers, improve quality of. | TRAINING FOR THE HEALTH SECTOR Date. Place. E vent. Sponsor. Organizer INTRODUCTION TO REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT Draft for review Training Module 1 Children s Environmental Health Public Health and the Environment World Health Organization ceh November 2011 1 NOTE TO USER Please add details of the date time place and sponsorship of the meeting for which you are using this presentation in the space indicated. NOTE TO USER This is a large set of slides from which the presenter should select the most relevant ones to use in a specific presentation. These slides cover many facets of the issue. Present only those slides that apply most directly to the local situation in the region or country. NOTE TO USER This module presents several examples of risk factors that affect reproductive health. You can find more detailed information in other modules of the training package that deal with specific risk factors such as lead mercury pesticides persistent organic pollutants endocrine disruptors occupational exposures or disease outcomes such as developmental origins of disease reproductive effects neurodevelopmental effects immune effects respiratory effects and others. NOTE TO USER For more information on reproductive health please visit the website of the Department of Reproductive Health and Research at WHO reproductivehealth en 1 Reproductive Health and the Environment Draft for review LEARNING OBJECTIVES After this presentation individuals should be able to understand recognize and know Basic components of reproductive health Basic hormone and endocrine functions Reproductive physiology Importance of environmental exposures on reproductive health endpoints 2 READ SLIDE. According to the formal definition by the World Health Organization WHO health is more than absence of illness. It is a state of complete physical mental and social well-being. Similarly reproductive health also represents a state of complete physical mental and social