tailieunhanh - Reproductive Health: National Strategy & action Plan 2010-2015

the prevalence of HiV/aiDS among pregnant women is (. low for the region). Whilst 57% and 71% of women and men respectively have ever heard about aiDS, knowledge of prevention of transmission through the use of condoms was very low. there are currently no national guidelines for Prevention of Mother to child transmission (PMtct) or Highly active antiretroviral therapy (Haart). coverage for PMtct is accordingly very low: only 11 pregnant women living with HiV received PMtct services in 2007, an estimated coverage of 1% (11/940 women). Barriers to accessing reproductive health care are many15 . low levels of literacy and mistrust. | S O M A L I A REPRODUCTIVE I IF A I TI I NATIONAL STRATEGY Hrill I H action plan I ILnLI I I 2010-2015 This document has been produced upon request and with the collaboration of the health authorities of Somalia. The document has been developed with assistance from UNFPA WHO UNICEF UKaid and the EC. The views expressed herein cannot be taken to reflect the official opinion of the British Government the EU UNFPA WHO or UNICEF. REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH National Strategy Action Plan 2010-2015 SOMALIA Dr Ingvil Sorbye and Dr Bailah Leigh