tailieunhanh - Emergencies in Urology - part 10

Thụt giảm các biến chứng lâm sàng quan trọng? J Urol 166:82 Carl P (1997) Chẩn đoán và điều trị chấn thương thận. Urologe 36:523 Carley ME, McIntire D, Carley JM et al (2002) Tỷ lệ, các yếu tố nguy cơ và bệnh suất của bàng quang không mong muốn hoặc tổn thương niệu quản trong quá trình cắt bỏ tử cung | 592 Overall Reference List biopsy of the prostate. Do enemas decrease clinically significant complications JUrol 166 82 Carl p 1997 Diagnosis and therapy of kidney traumas. Urolo-g A3 . . _ . . . Carley ME McIntire D Carley JM et al 2od2 Incidence risk factors and rnosbiditykf cnmtendcd bladder or ureter injury during a MvKsFfoor kys- niM . Carlin BI RcsmckMI 1995 Imdickúooeand techniques for urologic ekdhictikn 0s the rrruma rionr with rurpeeced urologic inpury Snmio Urcd lcm Carlton CntrdndottRỊt r5ol man1 W6n8 dhsmanagernset of penetrating rnjuriesof thakideey. J Ttaa-n- n lkn Carlton CE JdjGfohrie AG Scstt R Jr leo69 . sorrectfon of ureteray mj-hy J Trdtima i ĩ Carlton cntn ScnttR Jr Gutìirie AG R-iyil l ha iniclalmanase-ment of uietaadmiua nh import ef e8 caresj Uron10s 335 Carmignan- G. Belgeajio re Poppo Id Ciehero AjCidhan- L 1980 Teanr hgUr arnbdientikd etthp Pypegdotoic astsr-ies in cC-ss onnladdes mo rh efoom advance pdntc cancers follow-up rn 9 caser. J Uto- ó Carmona Carnphr EC- pri d Ca s R ytd 190 uc-ton and taeatmsdof cforeil rensl UeoTOsp a-i- Caro D timkAd- Caro JJ TrimdadeE McGrcgda M IdCGTlre ricksof dcath and of severecoofotal teas ces withhigh- med - a ìs. AJR Am t Rncn cnp1 5 Carpio F Morcy Ap tfom Rcdiogtepfoc sta og of send injuries. Woe-n J Urod s 66 Carr JA KadovfohKA et a- tocd ici i úsim vengrreph- fob traumatic lr fdrl0lVhn- savai--l--sieS Am Sp 6elboni ds-cussionC13 CarrafielfoG omatdwMdd niM Cuffond CafaooT or dini c C-noepse Ed Fcgsueola c OOSjTlid rsle of deron-t tional radiofooy in tnnmanron nu lrofkidlIep toonnplhnt complicattohti Rbdkl Med-Term-l 1 10749 Carrel Tl-Cdg-eo c p9s-I nepeoate rhsssalljetiee-isa nítìie visceral arrssieeiolnbgacoabdom-na-aneuoysm ropioinAnn Thorac Sua- s ì5 -ì Carringer Met d s bl Menagcmaor Oo iirsleridRakuh during pregnanoy oy ure-no rseopR ae laoa- hthoCogpsy. B-r Urol 77 17 O. .M .