tailieunhanh - Chest Radiographic Findings in Primary Pulmonary Tuberculosis: Observations from High School Outbreaks

The Institutional Review Board approved this retrospective study, with a waiver of informed consent from the patients. TB outbreaks occurred in 15 senior high schools and chest radiographs from 58 students with identical strains of TB were analyzed by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis by two independent observers. Lesions of nodule(s), consolidation, or cavitation in the upper lung zones were classified as typical TB. Mediastinal lymph node enlargement; lesions of nodule(s), consolidation, or cavitation in lower lung zones; or pleural effusion were classified as atypical TB. Inter-observer agreement for the presence of each radiographic finding was examined by kappa statistics | Chest Radiographic Findings in Primary Pulmonary Tuberculosis Observations from High School Outbreaks Won-Jung Koh MD1 Yeon Joo Jeong MD2 O Jung Kwon MD1 Hee Jin Kim MD3 En Hi Cho MD4 Woo Jin Lew MD3 Kyung Soo Lee MD5 Index terms Adolescent Mycobacterium tuberculosis Pulmonary tuberculosis Thoracic radiography DOI Korean J Radiol 2010 11 612-617 Received June 25 2010 accepted after revision July 1 2010. Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Department of Medicine Samsung Medical Center Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine Seoul 135710 Korea -Department of Radiology Pusan National University Hospital Pusan National University School of Medicine and Medical Research Institute Busan 612-617 Korea 3Korean Institute of Tuberculosis Seoul 121-150 Korea 4Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Seoul 122-701 Korea Department of Radiology Samsung Medical Center Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine Seoul 135710 Korea Corresponding author Kyung Soo Lee MD Department of Radiology Samsung Medical Center Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine 50 Ilwon-dong Gangnam-gu Seoul 135-710 Korea. Tel. 822 3410-2511 Fax. 822 3410-2559 e-mail Objective To describe the radiographic findings of primary pulmonary tuberculosis TB in previously healthy adolescent patients. Materials and Methods The Institutional Review Board approved this retrospective study with a waiver of informed consent from the patients. TB outbreaks occurred in 15 senior high schools and chest radiographs from 58 students with identical strains of TB were analyzed by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis by two independent observers. Lesions of nodule s consolidation or cavitation in the upper lung zones were classified as typical TB. Mediastinal lymph node enlargement lesions of nodule s consolidation or cavitation in lower lung zones or pleural effusion were classified as atypical TB. Inter-observer agreement for the .