tailieunhanh - cakephp application development phần 6

Lúc đầu, chúng tôi tạo ra một dự án CakePHP mới có tên là giao diện. Và sau đó, chúng tôi tạo ra một lớp điều khiển được đặt tên BooksController. Bên trong bộ điều khiển, chúng ta định nghĩa một thuộc tính có tên là $ sử dụng và được giao nhiệm vụ nó là null. Điều này cho bộ điều khiển mà chúng tôi không có bất kỳ | Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - http Chapter 7 COlor CCCCCC dl line-height 2em margin 0em 0em width 6 0 color 333333 font-size 124 margin-top 12px dt font-weight bold padding-left 4px vertical-align top dd margin-left 10em margin-top -2em vertical-align top form clear both margin 10px form label width 94px display block float left form margin 13px form margin 20px 0 0 12px 7. Now enter the following URL again in your browser. http localhost interfaces books 149 Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - http Views Creating User Interfaces What Just Happened At first we created a new CakePHP project named interfaces. And then we created a controller class named BooksController. Inside the controller we defined an attribute named uses and assigned it to null. This tells the controller that we don t have any associated model for this controller. We then wrote an action named index inside the BooksController and also created the corresponding view file app books for this action. Inside the index action we defined an associative array book that contains book information and passed that array to its corresponding view file. The view file simply prints out all the book information in a well-formatted manner using X HTML. Now if we visit the corresponding URL of the index action it will show us a page like the following This page displays the book information that we provided from the controller action. Besides you must have noticed this page has a header and a footer containing CakePHP logo tagline and icon. Now you must be asking from where are these headers and footers actually coming We did not add anything like that This header and footer are in fact coming from the CakePHP s predefined default layout. The default layout is the standard sitewide page frame inside which Cake renders all our pages. The pre-defined default layout can be found in a file named .