tailieunhanh - Cytologic Detection of Urothelial Lesions - part 5

Thấp Urothelial rửa bàng quang Ung thư biểu mô-Lớp: Các tế bào ung thư biểu hiện gia tăng hạt nhân với tỷ lệ tế bào chất và những tế bào chất đồng nhất. Hạt nhân nhẹ hơn hyperchromatic hơn so với thường thấy trong ung thư biểu mô lớp thấp, và các bất thường màng hạt nhân được phát âm | 70 3. Grading Urothelial Neoplasms Figure . Low Grade Urothelial Carcinoma bladder washing The neoplastic cells exhibit increased nuclear to cytoplasmic ratios and homogeneous cytoplasm. The nuclei are slightly more hyperchromatic than usually observed in low grade carcinomas and the nuclear membrane irregularities are pronounced. 600x Low Grade Urothelial Carcinoma 71 Figure . Low Grade Urothelial Carcinoma catheterized urine A 3dimensional pseudopapillary cluster of neoplastic cells is seen. The cells show a hobnail appearance at the edge and an absence of umbrella cells although umbrella cells may be attached in other cases to a low grade urothelial carcinoma cluster. The cells have an increased nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio although the nuclei are not significantly larger than intermediate squamous cell nuclei. In this case the nuclei appear moderately hyperchromatic and the nuclear membranes are thickened. 600x 72 3. Grading Urothelial Neoplasms Figure . Low Grade Papillary Carcinoma bladder washing The cellular changes of low grade lesions are minimal one of the difficulties in diagnosing these lesions. Architectural crowding with minimal nuclear atypia are the most robust features. 400x