Study design & area: This is a descriptive epidemiological study in which HCWs such as doctors, nurses, radiographers, laboratory scientists, laboratory assistants, ward maids and students who were involved in the management of TB patients were screened for pulmonary TB (PTB). The study was carried out at the two designated DOTS centers, the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan, a tertiary health care facility and Jericho Chest Hospital (JCH) which serves as a referral secondary health care center. The two health institutions are located within Ibadan metropolis. Ibadan is the capital city of Oyo State of Nigeria with a population of about five million6. The TB laboratory of the Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology is. | PREVALENCE OF PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS AMONG DIABETICS A. QAYYUM M. SHAFIQ AND AZFAR FAROGH Department of Medicine Quaid-e-Azam Medical College B. V. Hospital Bahawalpur This study was performed in the department of medicine B. V. Hospital Bahawalpur Pakistan between January 2001 and December 2001. Prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis in 100 diabetic patients admitted consecutively in medical wards was calculated and compared with 100 non diabetic controls admitted consecutively during the same period. In this study the calculated prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis among diabetic patients was compared to non-diabetic patients who had prevalence of P-Value . 002 indicating higher risk in diabetic patients. The purpose of this study was found out the prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis among patients with tuberculosis. Key Words pulmonary tuberculosis. Diabetes mellitus. Tuberculosis and Diabetic Prevalence. INTRODUCTION Tuberculosis is at least as old as mankind and mycobacteria are believed to be amongst the oldest bacteria on earth. Tuberculosis causes approximately 6 of all deaths world wide1. According to conservative estimates around 2 million new cases of tuberculosis are seen each year. The total number of cases of tuberculosis in the world are placed at 15-20 million. The disease is on the rise and available statistics with WHO show that annual incidence of tuberculosis may reach 300 per 100 000 inhabitants in parts of Asia2. Data of prevalence of tuberculosis in Pakistan is available from two surveys conducted by the Government of Pakistan and WHO in 1960-61 and 1977-78. On the basis of tuberculin reaction of 10mm the first survey reported the prevalence rate of whereas the second study reported a figure of . Based on tuberculin reaction of 10mm the reported number of new cases of tuberculosis in Pakistan are million per year3. Diabetic patients have an increased propensity to acquire infection particularly of tuberculosis and .