tailieunhanh - Acquired Cystic Disease of the Kidney and Renal Cell Carcinoma - part 3

Điều này được gây ra bởi sự giảm khối lượng nước tiểu từ thận bản địa sau khi cấy ghép một quả thận ghép. (3) u nang nhỏ hơn và có giao tiếp nhiều hơn với các ống thận và tiểu cầu trong ACDK hơn trong ADPKD [30]. (4) Nếu có những yếu tố phổ biến vũ khí u nang | 16 Acquired Cystic Disease of the Kidney and Renal Cell Carcinoma Fig. 25. Changes in kidney volume after renal transplantation. A decrease in kidney volume due to the regression of acquired cysts was observed immediately after transplantation which will resolve the uremic environment. 2 The blood flow in the native kidney decreases with a decrease in osmotic pressure load. This is caused by a decrease in the urine volume from the native kidney after transplantation of a graft kidney. 3 The cysts are smaller and have more communication with renal tubules and glomeruli in ACDK than in ADPKD 30 . 4 If there are cyst proliferation factors 46 they may not be removed by dialysis but they may be excreted into the urine by the graft kidney even if its renal function is not adequate. 5 Immunosuppressants induce shrinkage of renal cysts. However there are no data that support this mechanism and there is a report that cysts are more likely to develop after renal transplantation if cyclosporin CsA is used 47 . Therefore using my own protocol I examined the patients with highly functional grafted kidneys from a group who had received renal transplantation using cyclosporin. I observed no difference in parenchymal atrophy or cyst regression of the native kidney after renal transplantation or in the development of new cysts whether or not cyclosporin was used 48 . 6 Cells of the cyst wall in ACDK decrease due to apoptosis causing a decrease in cysts. Eventually ACDK may transform into the original atrophic kidneys. Recently a 20 decrease in the kidney volume was also observed in a patient in whom renal function had just begun to improve and the graft kidney had excreted only 400 ml day urine Fig. 26 . I now present some cases of patients in which the cysts disappeared almost completely as early as 2 weeks after transplantation. The first patient Fig. 27 was a 52-year-old man who had received dialysis for 231 months Acquired Cystic Disease of the Kidney 17 Fig. 26. The rate of .