tailieunhanh - Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Ghana: Results from the 2004 National Survey of Adolescents

as mentioned, sexual and reproductive health is a unique sub-sector, due to its close association with important and sensitive socio-cultural factors and gender roles which define and prescribe appropriate opportunities and avenues of action. the field is uniquely sensitive and therefore must involve explicit exploration across all areas of activity of some critical cross cutting issues – among them gender, adolescent health, sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDs. Most maternal deaths arise from complications during childbirth that can be safely addressed through effective medical intervention. therefore the availability, accessibility and quality of these services are critical. in the Somali environment, where the. | Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Ghana Results from the 2004 National Survey of Adolescents Kofi Awusabo-Asare Ann Biddlecom Akwasi Kumi-Kyereme Kate Patterson Occasional Report No. 22 June 2006 Acknowledgements Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Ghana Results from the 2004 National Survey of Adolescents was written by Kofi Awusabo-Asare and Akwasi Kumi-Kyereme University of Cape Coast and Ann Biddlecom and Kate Patterson the Guttmacher Institute. The authors thank their fellow research colleagues Christine Ouedraogo and Georges Guiella Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Population Burkina Faso Stella Neema and Richard Kibombo Makerere Institute of Social Research Uganda Alister Munthali and Sidon Konyani Centre for Social Research Malawi Eliya Zulu Nyovani Madise and Alex Ezeh African Population and Health Research Center Kenya and Susheela Singh Akinrinola Bankole Ann Moore and Humera Ahmed all of the Guttmacher Institute for helping to develop the design of the survey questionnaire providing initial feedback on the results and contributing insights to the interpretations presented in this report. Data tabulation and entry assistance were provided by Suzette Audam Humera Ahmed and Kate Patterson of the Guttmacher Institute. We also appreciate the contribution of our other colleagues at the Guttmacher Institute. Many thanks are due to colleagues at ORC Macro Pav Govindasamy Albert Themme Jeanne Cushing Alfredo Aliaga and Rebecca Stallings for input into all facets of the survey design and coordinating the pretest sample selection training fielding and data editing and cleaning. The key institution behind the survey fielding was the Institute of Statistical Social and Economic Research in Legon and John Anarfi Ernest Aryeetey and Kudjoe Dovlo contributed important input and leadership during the fieldwork. The survey s success was based on the hard work of the eight field teams 37 interviewers eight field editors and eight field supervisors