The survey is designed to solicit input from those in the field of construction and project management concerning leadership and the leadership skills. Questions centered on the importance of leadership, the kinds of leadership skills people should pursue, and the most-commonly used skills. A common survey process includes defining the survey objectives, developing a sample frame, specifying the strategy for data collection, and conducting the appropriate analyses. Interviewees are selected from the construction or relevant project management field and all have certain knowledge or experience in project management. The interviewees include project managers in large construction companies (including. | The Performance-Based Management Handbook A Six-Volume Compilation of Techniques and Tools for Implementing the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 GPRA Volume Two Establishing an Integrated Performance Measurement System Performance-Based Management Special Interest Group PBM SIG http pbm The Performance-Based Management Special Interest Group PBM SIG is a . Department of Energy DOE and DOE contractor funded organization made up of DOE and DOE contractor personnel who have a special interest in performance-based management. The mission of the PBM SIG is to facilitate promote and advance the use of performance-based management in DOE. The activities and publications of the PBM SIG are coordinated and administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education. The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education ORISE was established by the . Department of Energy to undertake national and international programs in education training health and the environment. ORISE and its programs are operated by Oak Ridge Associated Universities ORAU through a contract with the . Department of Energy. Established in 1946 ORAU is a multiuniversity consortium. This document was produced under a contract between the . Department of Energy and Oak Ridge Associated Universities. The Performance-Based Management Handbook A Six-Volume Compilation of Techniques and Tools for Implementing the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 Volume 2 Establishing an Integrated Performance Measurement System Prepared by the Training Resources and Data Exchange Performance-Based Management Special Interest Group for the Office of Strategic Planning and Program Evaluation Chief Financial Officer Office of Planning Budget and Outreach Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Office of Environment Security Safety and Health Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy Office of Laboratory Policy Director Office of Science Office of .