tailieunhanh - The Cucumber Book

Your customers want rock-solid, bug-free software that does exactly what they expect it to do. Yet they can't always articulate their ideas clearly enough for you to turn them into code. The Cucumber Book dives straight into the core of the problem: communication between people. Cucumber saves the day; it's a testing, communication, and requirements tool - all rolled into one. | mạtìc ogrammers Cucumber Book Behaviour-Driven- o Development for Testers and Developers 3 o o o Matt Wynne and Aslak Hellesoy edited by Jacquelyn Carter What Readers Are Saying About The Cucumber Book Few tools have managed to bridge the developer-customer divide as well as Cucumber has. Cucumber is not a tool for testing applications. Cucumber is a philosophy for communicating requirements. This book brings that philosophy to life. Robert C. Martin Uncle Bob I devoured the Cucumber book on a train ride from Grenoble to Brussels a few days after watching Matt s presentation BDD As It s Meant to Be Done. These two resources helped me understand in just a few hours how to avoid dozens of common mistakes writing scenarios in the Cucumber style. It s as though I received an injection of perhaps two years of experience writing scenarios poorly so that I didn t have to go through it all myself. What a gift. I recommend this book to everyone working with Cucumber. J. B. Rainsberger Author JUnit Recipes Teams can use Cucumber to get a better understanding of what software to build for their customers. In this book Aslak and Matt do a brilliant job explaining how you get started with Cucumber with plenty of easy-to-follow examples. Rachel Davies Author Agile Coaching To those of you wondering how to use Cucumber effectively The Cucumber Book is the answer. Not content to write just a testing book Aslak and Matt have packed it with practical insights on many aspects of software development. Studying this book will make you a better software developer. Pat Maddox . RSpec Core team This is a much-needed book providing not only an expanded description of how to use Cucumber but an opinionated one to suggest how to use it for the best effect. Reading this book is like having Aslak and Matt sitting next to you patiently helping you through your first project with Cucumber. Not only will you learn effective use of Cucumber but you ll