tailieunhanh - ASP.NET 2.0 - PART 6

Đây là giáo trình kỹ thuật lập trình bằng tiếng Anh dành cho giáo viên, sinh viên chuyên ngành công nghệ thông tin tham khảo. | Chapter 11 Dynamic Programming 124 We can fully parenthesized them in two ways 1. A1 A2 A3 100 x 5 x 50 10 100 50 75000 2. A1 A2 A3 10 x 100 x 5 10 x 5 x 50 7500 10 times better See how the cost of multiplying these 3 matrices differ significantly. The cost truly depend on the choice of the fully parenthesization of the matrices. However exhaustively checking all possible parenthesizations take exponential time. Now let s see how MCM problem can be solved using DP. Step 1 characterize the optimal sub-structure of this problem. Let i j denote the result of multiplying AiAi . can be obtained by splitting it into and Ak and then multiplying the subproducts. There are j-i possible splits . k i . j-1 Within the optimal parenthesization of a the parenthesization of must be optimal b the parenthesization of Ak must be optimal Because if they are not optimal then there exist other split which is better and we should choose that split and not this split. Step 2 Recursive formulation Need to find A1 n Let m i j minimum number of scalar multiplications needed to compute Since can be obtained by breaking it into Ak we have m i j 0 if i j min i k j m i k m k 1 j pi-1pkpj if i j let s i j be the value k where the optimal split occurs. Step 3 Computing the Optimal Costs Matric-Chain-Order p n length p -1 Chapter 11 Dynamic Programming 125 for i 1 to n do m i i 0 for l 2 to n do for i 1 to n-l 1 do j i l-1 m i j infinity for k i to j-1 do q m i k m k 1 j pi-1 pk pj if q m i j then m i j q s i j k return m and s Step 4 Constructing an Optimal Solution Print-MCM s i j if i j then print Ai else print Print-MCM s 1 s i j Print-MCM s s i j 1 j Note As any other dp solution MCM also can be solved using Top Down recursive algorithm using memoization. Sometimes if you cannot visualize the Bottom Up approach just modify your original Top Down recursive solution by including memoization. You ll save a lot of time by avoiding .