tailieunhanh - The Hands-on Guide for Science Communicators - L. Christensen (Springer 2007) Episode 4

Tham khảo tài liệu 'the hands-on guide for science communicators - l. christensen (springer 2007) episode 4', kỹ thuật - công nghệ, cơ khí - chế tạo máy phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | THE HANDS-ON GUIDE FOR SCIENCE COMMUNICATORS Be consistent Follow some consistent writing guideline either of your own choice or imposed by the system for instance via your organisation s style guide spelling grammar hyphenation punctuation abbreviations choice of pronoun first person second person etc capitalisation etc. Work within this framework to develop a distinctive personal style too much adherence to the rules results in a stilted text and some individuality will add pace and interest to the material. See Cappan 2000 and Kalbfeld 2001 for overviews of the Associated Press s style guide. Simplify A fundamental rule of written science communication is to make texts as simple as possible. This advice must not be neglected. Although one or two extra words or paragraphs may seem irrelevant on the computer screen out in the real world there is a great difference. Nowadays people simply do not have time for lengthy explanations. Get to the point but make additional material available for the very interested reader see also section . Remember too each equation halves the audience . Some specific advice Be clear concise precise Use language not abuse it Laux 1985 . Use short sentences to render a complex topic intelligible. Use simple language. Do not use jargon. Avoid clichés. Make a given text as brief as possible. Do not give in to self-indulgence kill your darlings . Hold back on the scientific caveats although scientists will try hard to have them included in the text . Explain It is always necessary to match the writing to the level of the target group but never more so than in science writing. Remember that the reader knows nothing . Always spell out abbreviations. Build up your explanations from the lowest level but try not to patronize and avoid being overly didactic. In the best communication the educational aspects go unnoticed. Tie the science into an entertaining and relevant context and slowly introduce the key concepts you need