tailieunhanh - The Craft of Scientific Presentations - M Alley (Springer 2003) Episode 13

Tham khảo tài liệu 'the craft of scientific presentations - m alley (springer 2003) episode 13', kỹ thuật - công nghệ, cơ khí - chế tạo máy phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Subject Index Abbreviations 31 Acknowledgment of sponsors 70 Actors 49 ad lib. speaking 45 47 52-53 Advantages of presentations 3-6 8 Airbrushed background 137-139 All capital letters 121-122 Analogies 14-15 25 Answering questions see Questions Apollo 13 38 Argumentation 21-27 38-40 Arrival to presentation 159-161 180 Atlas-3 104 Animation of slides 99-100 101 135136 Appeals by speaker to character 26-27 to emotion 25-26 to logic 22-25 Assessment see Critiquing Attire 162 181 Audience antagonistic 45 201 anticipating bias of 39-40 52 67 75-78 attention span of 7 distractions for 112 effect on delivery 167-168 effect on scope 82-83 expert 37 impression on 95 interaction with 3-4 32-33 88 179 186-189 193 198 learning names of 18 multiple 34-37 nontechnical 25-26 personal connection to 16-18 27 198 retention of details 15 64 98 140 size of 44 Audience continued targeting of 28 29-37 206 technical 31-37 nontechnical viii 31-37 Authority see Credibility of speaker Background information 6 33 36-37 73-74 Backgrounds for slides viii 137-139 Balance between what is spoken and what is shown 129-132 Beginnings of presentations 50 56-57 66-75 88-90 Bias of audience 39-40 52 67 75-78 Blackboards see Writing boards Boldface on slides 119 Building of objects or text on slides 99100 101 135-136 Bullets 96 98 139 144 151 205 215217 Business meeting 47 Caltech 10 90 Capital letters 121-122 Challenger 28-31 38 77 109-110 129130 147 Changing a presentation in midstream 6 48 50 Character of speaker in arguments 2627 Checklist for presentations 209 Chronological strategy 56-57 Classification strategy 56 59 Cold Spring Harbor 34-35 Collaboration 45 61 174 Color on slides 5 114 116 122-125 137-139 Colorblindness 124 Composure 194-204 237 238 The Craft of Scientific Presentations Compromise 39-40 Computer projections 99-101 139 144 Computer projectors 159 161 162163 174-175 180 Conclusions 56-57 84 Conference presentations 37 47 67 120 152 180 189-190 194 211 Confidence 182 Content 11 .