tailieunhanh - Pathology and Laboratory Medicine - part 9

Hai nghiên cứu độc lập công bố đã mô tả mối tương quan giữa hai phương pháp (42,43). Cả hai báo cáo cho thấy hệ số tương quan gần như giống hệt nhau (r = 0,96, n = 145 và r = , n = 70), và các sườn núi tương tự tuyến tính xấp xỉ , mặc dù độ dốc đã được báo cáo | 374 Dahlen Comparison Between the Triage BNP and the Shionoria BNP Tests The Triage BNP and Shionoria BNP tests have a similar assay range 5-5000 pg mL for Triage BNP and 4-2000 pg mL for Shionoria BNP 33 35 . Two independent published studies have described the correlation between these two methods 42 43 . Both reports indicate a nearly identical correlation coefficient r n 145 and r n 70 and similar linear slopes of approx although the slope has been reported to be as low as with a similar correlation coefficient r n 83 44 . Although the two methods use different antibodies the primary differences are in the detection method and procedure. The Shionoria BNP test requires the use of a gamma scintillation counter to measure bound radioactivity. The amount of bound radioactivity is converted to concentration using a calibration curve that must be generated with each batch of samples that are analyzed 34 . The Shionoria BNP test also requires extensive manipulation of reagents during the test procedure. The test requires addition and aspiration of reagents to the reaction vessel and results are obtained in approx 24 h 34 . In contrast the Triage BNP Test is a self-contained portable immunoassay that uses fluorescence-based detection to measure the BNP concentration 36 . There is no requirement for manipulation of reagents during the test procedure and the test is completed in approx 15 min 36 . BNP Stability There have been various reports on the stability of BNP in whole blood and plasma. Various studies indicate that BNP is stable in EDTA-anticoagulated whole blood or plasma specimens at room temperature for at least 24 h and the stability is prolonged through refrigerated storage 45-49 . However it is recommended that BNP measurements using the Triage BNP Test be performed within 4 h of specimen collection 36 . The presence of the proteinase inhibitor aprotinin may be useful in prolonging the stability of BNP in specimens frozen at -20OC 49