tailieunhanh - business one one intermediate phần 2

White Lie thành ngữ này được sử dụng để làm cho một lời nói dối có vẻ không hoàn toàn xấu như vậy. Thay vì một lời nói dối tuyệt vời đó chỉ là một untruth nhỏ. Tại sao cô lại tức giận như vậy? Nó chỉ có một ít màu trắng nằm. | How to plan Hint Note that you con decide sth or decide on sth with no difference in meaning. We need to decide a logo for the brand. We need to decide on a logo for the brand. Expressions In this are planning future events. 99 starter 1 Does your company have any of the following plans for the future Tell your teacher about them. to move to a new office to enter a new market to take part in a conference to work with another company on a future venture to start a new project to win a new contract 2 Have you got any personal plans for the future 9 Ĩ i J j i 1 9 1 Listen to two situations where people are making plans. In each situation complete the table in the next column. What are they planning What three key points do they have to plan Speaking 1 Look at the following situations and for each one think of three key points that have to be planned. 1 Your company is going to make a presentation to another company to try and win a new contract. 2 Your office has been asked to organize the annual group conference. 2 Role-play the first situation with your teacher. Your teacher will start the conversation. _ __ 3 Listen to a conversation role-playing the same situation. Compare it to your version. Did you choose the same three key points 4 Now role-play the second situation. This time you start the conversation. 20 business one one Hint To talk about how we are going to start dealing with a task we often use the verb go about something doing something We can go about this in two ways. How are we going to go about advertising the launch situation 1 situation 2 plan key points 1 2 1 2 3 3 2 Look of the extracts from the conversations. Complete them with the phrases used for making plans. 1 So the first thing we__ is when we should move. 2 So something __ _ is get In touch with a moving company. 3 Who s going to the packing 4 Have we a name yet Bob 5 What we get the advertising campaign organized. 6 I .