tailieunhanh - The Globalization of Air Pollution

Workshops were conducted as a contribution to the Partnership for Clean Indoor Air, launched at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002. More than 100 organizations are working together to improve health, livelihood and quality of life by reducing exposure to indoor air pollution, primarily among women and children, from household energy use. For more information, or to join the Partnership, visit . The summary for Module 1 Evaluation Basics was prepared by Eva Rehfuess, WHO. Presentations were put together by Eva Rehfuess and Jonathan Rouse, seconded to WHO by the University of Loughborough, in collaboration with Nigel Bruce and Kirstie Jagoe from the University of Liverpool, and David Pennise from the. | The Globalization of Air Pollution Topics 1 The Growing Reach of Air Pollution Local regional global and back again w . 2 Links Between Air Pollution and Climate Change A tale of 2 carbons carbon dioxide and black carbon 3 Regional Impacts Human health agriculture water resources 4 Challenges for Weather Services Defining roles and services in meteorology climate and air pollution Urban Environments Are Key Drivers Of Air Quality We are learning that Megacities have large environmental footprints Fig. Annual mean plots of the sum of all of the 10 d MPC tracers for the model surface layer density 10 12 kg m3 and the column above 5km 10 9 kg m2 . From Lawrence et al. 2007. We know that regional control strategies are needed to meet local air quality targets 2 There Is Growing Awareness That We Now Face Pollution At The Global Scale Marenco et al. 1994 OZONE TREND AT EUROPEAN MOUNTAIN SITES 1870-1990 Satellite Observations of CO MOPITT Growing Hemispheric Levels