tailieunhanh - Giáo án anh văn lớp 12 - Unit 13: THE 22nd SEA GAMES - Writing

Tài liệu tham khảo giáo án tiếng nh THPT - Giáo án anh văn lớp 12. | Unit 13. THE 22nd SEA GAMES Writing. I Aims Describing a Sporting event a football match II Teaching aids teacher s book text book III Stage Time Contents Teacher s activities Ss act 5 I Warm up Hat magic - Gives the introduction to play this game. - Divides class into 2 proups - Asks students to guess the name of the Sport - Shows the picture of a football team and asks who are they - How many people are there in a football team - To have a match what must we do - listen - A B - Guess - Answer footballers - Answer eleven - Answer This is a kind of Sport that is well-known in the world 5 II Pre - writing Task 1 Arrange these questions in the suitable sections A Introduction 4. 7. 3. B Details of the match 6. 1. 8. 9. 10. C Conclusion - Have you ever seen football match - How is the football match process - Asks students to work in groups of four - Writes these questions in the cards and gives each group a card. - Asks students to discuss in groups and decide section - Checks invite another team give reason time place . - Answer - Answer - Group work - receive - Discuss and stick in the section that they think it suitable - take note. 10 2. 5. Task 2 Ask and answer the above questions - Asks students to work in proups of three. talk about the match you saw - Goes around for helping - Calls one of these groups - work group - One asks 15 Useful language III While writing to go to the board and write the anwers. - Checks - Helps students to understand clearly about meaning of these words or one answers and one takes note - write on the board - take note Task 3 Write a description phrase of words - listen and 8 of the football match mentioned above. IV Post - writing - Asks students to write individually. Using the answers and language in the .