From a health perspective, reducing exposure to indoor air pollution (IAP) is and should be the primary objective of household energy interventions. Measuring IAP levels is particularly important given the difficulty in assessing health outcomes directly. Thus reductions in pollution levels can be assessed as a proxy for likely reductions in health outcomes. The Indoor Air Pollution Monitoring module consists of three presentations as well as extensive hands-on training to launch, place and collect the instruments and to download and process the resulting data. By the end of the module, participants should understand the basics of indoor air pollution, be aware of different measurement options, and be familiar with the field work,. | AIR POLLUTION AND COAL FIRED POWER PLANTS Ministry of Nature Environment and Tourism MONGOLIA Air pollution The country has abundant reserves of coal which are estimated to be 50 billion tonnes and depends on coal as the cheap source of energy and heat. The annual coal consumption has being increased rapidly along with industrialization urbanization and growth of household heating requirement. Ecosystem of Mongolia is fragile and very sensitive to adverse effects of human activity due to harsh climate. However industrialization urbanization and intensive exploration practices of fossil fuels in the country have resulted in negative impacts on the environment. Air pollution Urban air pollution has been recognized as one of the major highly concerned environmental problems in Mongolia. There is urgent need to address such issue Major contributors to the poor urban air quality are coal-fired thermal electric power plants heating boilers coal-fired cooking heating household stoves of individual dwellings automobiles waste disposal area and soil erosion. The main air pollutants are SO2 Nox PM CO ozone . Meteorological factors - frequent occurrence of a stationary temperature inversion over the urban areas lasting from late fall to early spring and accompanied by low .
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