tailieunhanh - Dr. R. B. Schultz. Air Pollution and Weather

However, few reliable studies have been undertaken to assess the effectiveness of these interventions in the field. Current evidence is insufficient for drawing conclusions about which interventions work in a specific setting, and for making recommendations to local and national policy-makers. Therefore, there is an urgent need to evaluate intervention projects and programmes around the world. Such evaluation can help inform how interventions reduce pollution and personal exposure, how this results in reduced respiratory disease (in particular among children and women), and what broader impacts interventions have on the household as a whole, for example in terms of freeing women’s and children’s time for studying or economic activities. . | er are linked in two ways. One ence that weather conditions on and dispersal of air pollutants. ay is the reverse and deals with the pollution has on weather and climate. rfectly clean. e Air is nev Examples of natural air pollution include Ash salt particles pollen and spores smoke and windblown dust ant Types s of air pollution are recent London s infamous smoke around for centuries. One of the on episodes ever occurred in mber 1952 when more than four-died. re airborne particles and gasses that ntrations that endanger the heath and well-being of organisms or disrupt the orderly functioning of the environment. Pollutants can be grouped into two categories 1 primary pollutants which are emitted directly from identifiable sources and 2 secondary pollutants which are produced in the atmosphere when certain chemical reactions take place among primary .