First, recall that the SNIFF emissions inventory discussed above clearly indicates that industry is not the leading source of particulate emissions in Ciudad Juárez. Rather, the leading sources are vehicles, unpaved roads, and soil erosion (Table 1). Moreover, even leaving aside vehicles and soils, the single most important industrial subsector in terms of air pollution is brick kilns, not maquiladoras (Table 2). In fact, brick kilns emit more particulate matter than all other industrial plants combined. Given that vehicles and brick kilns emit far more combustion-related fine particulates than maquiladoras, we can be fairly certain that. | 256 I THE MONITOR I CARBON AIR POLLUTION 2010 EFFECT TODAY 0 1 1. DEATHS I nu PER yEar I MILLION ESTIMATES GLOBAL CARBON IMPAC 2030 EFFECT TOMORROW 21 DEATHS PER yEAr III MILLION Q MORTALITY IMPACT 32 8 Deaths Developing Country Low Emitters Q Developed Developing Country High Emitters Other Industrialized CONFIDENCE ROBUST SEVERITY oooo HU MDG EFFECT AFFECTED 2 Cities are home to over half the world s population and growing all concentrated on only 2 of its surface area producing 80 of all GHG emissions 2 w here there are no strict emission controls air contaminants from industry and transportation may become toxic and lethal 2 Air pollution is a leading cause of death globally triggering cancer heart disease and acute respiratory illnesses and common asthma 2 Technology and government regulation play a major role in making the air safer 2 However access to technology and capacity to implement regulation are lowest in parts of the developing world where air pollution is highest o RELATIVE IMPACT 5555555555 5555555555555 55555555555555 2010 32 2010 2030 357 500 555555 555 55555 555555555555551 2030 28 0 389 CHINA 8 200 INDIA 3. 5 PAKISTAN 55 UNITED STATES 75 65 RUSSIA 70 800 GEOPOLITICAL VULNERABILITY 09 Deaths per million 0 Billion of USD 2010 PPP non-discounted Change in relation to overall global population and or GDP HEALTH IMPACT I 257 Dreventing or reducing air contamination relies on a community s or region s determination to ensure safety and health. Technology such as particle filters for vehicles high quality refined fuels and regulations on clean air are the main tools for limiting toxic emissions. Air pollution and its negative effects for health can and have been brought under control through these means in major economies of the world Khan and Swartz 2007 . Although many developing countries have struggled to implement emission standards they remain locked out of technological solutions for access capacity and financial reasons. However some .
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