In October 2001, the ILO launched the fi rst series of groundbreaking participatory gender audits in accordance with the ILO Gender Mainstreaming Policy. This was the fi rst exercise of its kind to be introduced in the United Nations system. The objective of these gender audits was to promote organizational learning on how to implement gender mainstreaming effectively in the policies, programmes and structures of the institution and to assess the progress made in achieving gender equality. In the fi rst series of gender audits (2001-2002), the main focus was on auditing ILO Offi ces and increasing gender awareness and capacity. | URBAN AUDIT PERCEPTION SURVEY LOCAL PERCEPTIONS OF QUALITY OF LIFE IN 31 EUROPEAN CITIES 1 2 Introduction This leaflet presents the result of the Urban Audit Perception Survey. This survey was conducted in January 2004 to measure the local perceptions of quality of life in 31 European cities. The first part presents and comments eight graphs1 on issues for which the residents in the 31 cities had widely diverging opinions 1 employment opportunities 2 housing costs 3 safety 4 cleanliness of cities 5 public transport 6 air pollution 7 integration of immigrants and 8 overall satisfaction with the quality of life of their city. The annex presents all the results in a table format for all 22 questions in the survey. The Urban Audit Perception Survey was created to complement the data from the main Urban Audit exercise which collected over 250 indicators on the quality of life in 258 European Cities. For more information on the Urban Audit please consult or write to urban-audit@ . As perception surveys are very expensive to conduct not all the 189 Urban Audit cities within the old Member States EU15 could be included. All the capitals were included and in the larger Member States one to three more cities were added. In the Member States with more than one city geographical distribution and the inclusion of a medium-sized city were favoured. As a result the following 31 cities were selected Belgie Belgique Ellada Ireland Osterreich Antwerpen Athinai Dublin Wien Brussel Irakleio Italia Portugal Liège Espana Napoli Braga Danmark Barcelona Roma Lisboa Kobenhavn Madrid Torino Suomi Finland Deutschland Malaga Luxembourg Helsinki Berlin France Luxembourg Sverige Dortmund Marseille Nederland Stockholm Leipzig Paris Amsterdam United Kingdom Munchen Rennes Rotterdam Glasgow London Manchester A second survey of 18 cities outside the EU15 is scheduled in the first half of 2005. The survey was conducted by EOS Gallup as a Flash Eurobarometre survey. In .
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