tailieunhanh - FEMA Public Assistance Grant Funds Awarded to the City of Pompano Beach, Florida - Hurricane Wilma

The results of this risk-assessment process will enable you to develop alternative internal audit plans to address a variety of risks across your organisation. An effective audit plan provides a systematic means to assign risks into high, moderate and low categories. Once risks are assessed, the chief audit executive should work with the audit committee and senior management to prioritise organisational risks and determine the competencies and skill sets needed in the internal audit function to address high-priority risks and key stakeholder needs | Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General FEMA Public Assistance Grant Funds Awarded to the City of Pompano Beach Florida - Hurricane Wilma DA-12-16 May 2012 w OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Department of Homeland Security Washington. DC 20528 MAY 1 2012 MEMORANDUM FOR FROM Major p. Phil May Regional Administrator Region IV Federal Ernetgericy Management Agency Di Michael Beard Assistant Inspector General Office of Emergency Management Oversight I Bean SUBJECT FEM A Public Assistance Grant Funds Awarded to the City of Pompano Beach Florida - Hurricane Wilma FEMA Disaster Number 1609-DR-FL Audit Report Number DA-12-16 We audited public assistance funds awarded to the City of Pompano Beach Florida City FIPS Code 011-58050-00 . Our audit objective was to determine whether the City accounted for and expended Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA grant funds according to federal regulations and FEMA guidelines. The City received a public assistance award of million from the Florida Division of Emergency Management State a FEMA grantee for damages resulting from Hurricane Wilma which occurred in October 2005. The award provided 100 FEMA funding for debris removal emergency protective measures and repairs to facilities and buildings. The award consisted of 14 large projects and 13 small We reviewed costs totaling million claimed under line large project and three small projects see Exhibit Schedule of Projects Audited . The audit covered the period from October 24 2005 to July 20 2011 during which the City received million of FEMA funds under the projects reviewed. At the time of the audit work under the projects was complete but the City had rot submitted a final claim on project expenditures to the State. We conducted this performance audit pursuant to the Inspector General Act of 1978 as amended and according to generally accepted government auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform .