tailieunhanh - Dictionary Of Invertebrate Zoology - E

E ear see auricle eaves . [. efes, lower border of a roof] (MOLL: Polyplacophora) Portions of the tegmentum just over the line where the insertion plates and the sutural laminae project. eave tissue (MOLL: Polyplacophora) Composition of the shell that forms the eaves; either porcelaneous or riddled with microscopic | E ear see auricle eaves . . efes lower border of a roof MOLL Polypla-cophora Portions of the tegmentum just over the line where the insertion plates and the sutural laminae project. eave tissue MOLL Polyplacophora Composition of the shell that forms the eaves either porcelaneous or riddled with microscopic tubules spongy . eburnean a. L. eburneus ivory Made of or like ivory ivory white. ecalcarate a. Gr. ek out of L. calcar spur Lacking spurs or calcaria. ecarinate a. Gr. ek out of L. carina keel Without a keel or carina. ecaudate a. Gr. ek out of L. cauda tail Lacking a cauda or tail-like process or structure excaudate. ecaudate wing ARTHRO Insecta A wing lacking a tail-like process. ecbolic see hydrelactic eccentric a. Gr. ek out of kentron center 1. Deviation from the regular. 2. MOLL Having an operculum with growth on one side of the nucleus only and to one side of the center. ecdemic a. Gr. ekdemos away from home Disease brought into a region from outside neither endemic nor epidemic. ecdysial cleavage line see epicranial suture ecdysial fluid see molting fluid ecdysial glands see prothoracic glands ecdysial membrane ARTHRO Insecta A thin membrane formed from the lateral lamellae of the old procuticle that is tanned by the polyphenols and phenoloxidase associated with the new outer epicuticle during molting. ecdysial tube ARTHRO Insecta In some Diptera and Coleop- 312 Maggenti and Gardner tera a simple cuticular tube formed around the old spiracle and through which the old spiracle and trachea are pulled during molting. ecdysis n. pl. -ses Gr. ekdysis getting out of Molting the process of shedding cuticle or exoskeleton. see molt apolysis endysis. ecdysone n. Gr. ekdysis getting out of ARTHRO A hormone that initates changes in cells associated with molting produced by a secretion of the prothoracotrophic hormone from the median neurosecretory cells of insects and the Y-gland of crustaceans. ecdysotrophic cycle ARTHRO Alternation of blood feeding and .