tailieunhanh - Dictionary Of Invertebrate Zoology - V

V vacuole n. [L. vacuus, empty] A minute cavity within a cell, usually filled with a liquid product of protoplasmic activity. vacuolar a. vagile a. [L. vagus, wandering] Freely wandering; motile. vagility n. see sessile. vagina n. [L. vagina, sheath] The terminal portion of the female reproductive tract | V vacuole n. L. vacuus empty A minute cavity within a cell usually filled with a liquid product of protoplasmic activity. vacuolar a. vagile a. L. vagus wandering Freely wandering motile. vagility n. see sessile. vagina n. L. vagina sheath The terminal portion of the female reproductive tract that opens to the outside. vaginal a. vaginate a. L. vagina sheath Enclosed by a sheath. vagina uterina NEMATA An inward extension of the vagina uniting with the distal part of the uterus that histologically resembles the vagina but lacks cuticular lining. vagina vera NEMATA The outermost part of the vagina lined with cuticle. vaginipennate a. L. vagina sheath penna wing ARTHRO Insecta To ensheath a wing having wings covered with a hard sheath. vaginula n. L. dim. vagina sheath ARTHRO Insecta The covering of the terebra. vagus see stomogastric nervous system valency n. L. valentia strength Power important value. valid name An available name for a taxon that is not preoccupied by a valid senior synonym or homonym. valva n. pl. valvae L. valva leaf of a folding door ARTHRO Insecta In Lepidoptera a valve in the external male genitalia the coxite and the stylus. see harpagones. valvate a. L. valva leaf of a folding door 1. Furnished with valves. 2. Hinged only at the margin. 3. Of or pertaining to a valve. valve n. L. valva leaf of a folding door 1. Any structure that limits or closes an opening. 2. One of the discrete shells or plates of a mollusk brachiopod or crustacean. 3. ARTHRO 938 Maggenti and Gardner Insecta Certain external genitalia. valve coverage MOLL Polyplacophora 1. Complete coverage Two contiguous valves with the rear edge of one covering the whole front edge of the one posterior to it. 2. Partial coverage A small part of the front edge of the next valve that is overlapped. 3. Jugal coverage With only the apical part of a valve overlapping the next one. valvelet n. L. dim. valva leaf of a folding door A small valve or fold. valvifers . L. valva leaf of a .